Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

  • Department
  • Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering department is the most innovative department of Narula Institute of Technology. The department has started its journey from 2010 and offers the B. Tech degree in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. The subject is the amalgam of both the software and core subjects. So, the department is very successful to offer the placements in both the sectors for the entire pass out students. The department is very competent to execute innovative projects and won many project competitions in an around West Bengal. Our faculties have high national and international exposures and have more than 100 research publications. The students of EIE Department have published more than 70 research papers till date. The department is much focused to provide quality technical knowledge, enhancing project based technical skills and make them industry ready both for software and core sectors. Narula Institute of Technology is the best college for B.Tech in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering in Kolkata.

I wish the aspirants all success in its endeavour.

Best of Luck.

Ms. Sanghamitra Layek

TIC, EIE Dept, Narula Institute of Technology


Vision of the Department:

To uniquely position the Graduate as a Leader in innovation and Excellence in Instrumentation, Control, Measurements and to recognise professional framework reflecting social Responsibility.


Mission of the department:

The Mission of the Department is to develop the next generation of Engineers in the Instrumentation sector by teaching them problem solving, leadership and teamwork skills, and the value of a commitment quality, ethical behaviour, and respect for others. To create and disseminate knowledge through research and to transfer our intellectual to enhance society in meaningful and sustainable ways.


  • To bolster a strong foundation of Engineering fundamentals among the students.
  • To spread the awareness among the students towards the field of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.
  • To make students industry-compliant and job ready in this field both in core and software industries.
  • To encourage the students for preparation of GATE/GRE/GMAT/CAT/PGET examinations.


Programme Outcomes (PO):

Upon successful completion of 4year B.E. degree programme, the EIE students will be able to:

  1. PO1: Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an instrumentation engineering specialization to arrive solution for complex engineering problems.
  2. PO2: Identify, formulate and analyze complex engineering problems using first principles of mathematics, management and engineering.
  3. PO3: Design solutions for instrumentation engineering problems and develop Instrumentation and related system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health, safety, cultural, societal and environmental issues.
  4. PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. PO5: Create, select and apply appropriate state-of-the-art techniques, resources and modern engineering and computing tools with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. PO6: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice.
  7. PO7: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
  8. PO8: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
  9. PO9: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in multidisciplinary teams.
  10. PO10: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. PO11:Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life- long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
  12. PO12: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

Program Educational Objective (PEO)

The main objectives of the EIE Department are:

  • PEO1: To provide students with a strong foundation in Mathematical, Scientific and Engineering fundamentals.
  • PEO2: To acquaint students with necessary knowledge to formulate, solve and analyse engineering problems related to industry and research.
  • PEO3: To impart the state of the art technology to the students in the field of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.
  • PEO4:To foster the innovation, invention and entrepreneurship by enabling the students to transform their ideas to proof- of-concepts for high-tech applications.
  • PEO5:To inculcate in the students professional and ethical attitude, communication skills and the life-long learning skills needed for the successful professional career.
  • PEO6: To provide opportunity for the students to work as part of teams on multi-disciplinary projects.
  • PEO7: Work in core Instrumentation and allied industries and software companies and / or become successful entrepreneurs.
  • PEO8: Pursue their higher studies at the institutes of repute in India and abroad and work in educational institutions, research organizations and engineering consultancy companies.
  • PEO9: Have the highest integrity, social responsibility, teamwork skills and leadership capabilities in their profession or career.

Program Specific Out Comes (PSO):

B. Tech in Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

  1. PSO1:Professional Skills: An ability to understand the basic concepts in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering and to apply them to various areas like electronics, communication, signal processing, VLSI, embedded systems etc., in the design and implementation of complex systems.
  2. PSO2: Problem-solving skills: An ability to solve complex Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering problems, using latest hardware and software tools along with analytical skills to arrive cost effective and appropriate solutions.
  3. PSO3:Successful Career and Entrepreneurship: An understanding of social-awareness & environmental-wisdom along with ethical responsibility to have a successful career and to sustain passion and zeal for real-world applications using optimal resources as an entrepreneur.

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering: 30 seats

  • Program 1: 4 years B.Tech Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering-Intake-30
SL No Academic Year Total No of Students
1 2022-2023 28
2 2021-2022 30
3 2020-2021 21
4 2019-2020 46
  • Students Details
  • Advanced Microprocessor and microcontroller Lab

    • Objective/General Information

    1. To enable the students analyze microprocessors and microcontrollers.

    2. To grow programming concept using microprocessor. 

    3. To make students able to write programs, interface with peripherals and implement them in projects. 

    4. To be able to choice suitable microprocessors and microcontrollers for any design and implementations. 

    5. To be able to interfacing microprocessors and microcontrollers with peripherals device.

    1. Familiarization with 8085 and 8051 trainer kit components. 

    2. Program development using basic instruction set (data transfer, Load/ Sore, Arithmetic, Logical) using 8085 trainer kit such as 

    a) Addition and subtraction 

    b) Copying and shifting a block of memory 

    c) Packing and unpacking of BCD numbers 

    d) Addition of BCD numbers 

    e) Binary to ASCII conversions 

    f) String matching 

    g) Multiplication of two numbers 

    h) Sorting of array of numbers 

    3. Program using subroutine calls and IN/OUT instructions using 8255 PPI on the trainer kit, write subroutine for delay, reading switch state & glowing LEDs accordingly, finding out the frequency of a pulse train etc. 

    4. Study of 8051 Micro controller kit and writing programs as mentioned in section 2. 

    5. Innovative experiment

    Sensors and Transducers Lab

    • Objective/General Information

    1. To identify suitable instruments for the specific physical parameter measurement. 2. To operate Resistive, Capacitive and Inductive transducers. 

    3. To recommend the transducers for specific physical parameter measurement. 

    4. To characterize specific transducers.

    1. Displacement measurement by using a capacitive transducer.

    2. Pressure and displacement measurement by using LVDT. 

    3. Study of a load cell with tensile and compressive load. 

    4. Torque measurement Strain gauge transducer. 

    5. Speed measurement using magnetic proximity sensor. 

    6. Speed measurement using a Stroboscope. 

    7. Study of the characteristics of a LDR. 

    8. Pressure measurement using Piezo-electric transducer 

    9. Study of the Characteristics of Hall-effect transducer 

    10. Innovative experiment

    Electronics Measurement and Instrumentation Lab

    • Objective/General Information

    1. To understand students how different types of electrical and electronics meters work and their construction and applications.

    2. To provide an extensive knowledge about standards and units of measurements.

    3. To provide knowledge for the calibration and standardization of various instruments.

    4. To provide students with opportunities to develop basic skills in the design of measuring equipments.

    5. To familiarize the students with the available software for virtual instrumentation.

    • Outcome : On completion of this Subject/Course the student shall be able to:

    1: Use instruments measuring instruments according to the need of specific application.

    2: Calibrate and standardize the instruments.

    3: Design measuring instruments on requirement basis.

    4: To measure different parameters from the simulated instrumentation systems using virtual instrumentation.

    • List of experiments

    1. Measure the resistivity of material using Kelvin Double Bridge

    2. Measurement of Capacitance by De Sauty Bridge

    3. Calibrate dynamometer type Wattmeter by potentiometer

    4. Calibrate A.C. energy meter.

    5. Measurement of Power using Instrument transformer

    6. Study of Static Characteristics of a Measuring Instrument

    7. Study of Dynamic Characteristics of a Measuring Instrument

    8. Realization of a V-to-I & I-to-V converter.

    9. Statistical analysis of errors in measurement.

    10. Study of VCO (Voltage controlled oscillator) & PLL (Phase Locked Loop).

    11. Familiarization with Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

    12. Extramural experiment

    Industrial Instrumentation Lab

    • Objective/General Information

    1. To understand the importance of calibration of different industrial instruments.

    2. To measure different physical parameters like pressure, temperature, flow rate, level etc

    3. To understand the working principle of different measuring instruments

    4. To choose the suitable instrument for desired measuring parameter.


    Calibration of Pressure Gauge using Dead Weight Tester


    Study of Thermocouple characteristics and Measurement of Temperature.


    Study of Thermistor characteristics and Measurement of Temperature.


    Study of RTD characteristics and Measurement of Temperature.


    Measurement of temperature using AD590


    Measurements of flow rate and velocity of fluid flow by head type flow meter.


    Measurements of flow rate and velocity of fluid flow by Variable Area type flow meter


    Measurement of level using capacitive type level instrument.


    Measurement of moisture using moisture analyzer


    Measurement of viscosity

            11.           Innovative Experiment

    Process Control Lab

    • Objective/General Information

    This course helps the student 

    1.  To have a knowledge on basic process control loop & characteristics

    2. To understand the different controller modes

    3. To know about methods of tuning of controllers

    4. To have a knowledge of final control element & different actuators

    5. To apply the knowledge of Cascade, Ratio, Feed forward control to control a complex process 

    6. To provide knowledge levels needed for PLC programming and functioning.

    • Outcome : 

    After completion of the laboratory course students will be able to:

    1. Recognize & explain basic process control loop elements via hands on experiment.

    2. Control different process variable (flow, pressure, level & temperature) using different controller     mode.

    3. Use various PLC functions and develop PLC programs to control a real time system.

    4. Control & monitor different process variable through DCS.

    • List of experiments

    1. Study of Flow, Level, Pressure, Temperature processes and construction of the P&I diagrams in accordance with ISA guidelines / standards 

    2. Study of a Temperature Control Loop having Furnace, suitable final control element, Temperature transmitter, conventional PID controller/Control System, and data logger/recorder 

    3. Study of a Pressure Control Loop having Pressure source, Pressure Transmitter, Motorized/Pneumatic control valve, and conventional PID controller/Control System 

    4. Study of a Flow Control Loop having suitable Flow meter, Motorized/ Pneumatic control valve, and conventional PID controller/Control System 

    5. Study of a Level Control Loop having Level Transmitter, Motorized/ Pneumatic control valve, and conventional PID controller/Control System 

    6. Study of a typical Air Duct Flow Monitoring and Control 

    7. PLC Programming 

    8. Study of a PC based Automation Software / Simulation Software 

    9. Configuring the DCS for Temp./Flow/Pressure processes.

    10. Extra Mural Experiment

    Telemetry and Remote Control Lab

    • Objective/General Information

    1. To understand the concepts of telemetry system

    2.  To understand the concepts remote sensing, 

    3.  To enable selection and design of remote sensing and telemetry  systems

    • Outcome : 

    After completion of the laboratory course students will be able to:

    1: Recognize and explain basic computational properties of remote sensing data acquisition, 

        storage, and processing.

    2: Apply mathematical relationships describing fundamental physical, geometric, and 

        computational principles relevant to remote sensing.

    3: Recognize and explain at a basic level fundamental physical principle of remote sensing.

    4: Explain EM radiation interactions vary across a limited number of substances, geometries, and temperatures; and geometric properties of photographs and images.

    5: Demonstrate proficiency and conceptual understanding in using software or manual techniques  

    to carry out remote sensing image processing and analysis through a series of laboratory                exercises and reports.

    • List of experiments

    1. Study of voltage telemetry system using a process variable transducer.

    2. Study of 4-20 mA current telemetry system: 2 wire and 3 wire systems.

    3. Study of a frequency telemetry system using a VCO and a PSD.

    4. Study of a FDM and Demultiplexing system using wire transmission for 2 to 4 channels.

    5. Study of a PCM system.

    6. Study of a Bio – Telemetry System.

    7. Study of a (wireless) remote control system.

    8. Study of Computerized control wireless telemetry system.

    Instrumentation and  Control Design Lab

    • Objective/General Information

    1. Analyze Instrumentation systems and understand their applications.

    2. Select the criteria to design real control loop 

    3. Utilize signal conditioning mechanism to solve design problems

    4. Specify criteria and system parameters to design an instrument and system

    • Outcome : 

    After completion of the laboratory course students will be able to:

    1: understand and analyze Instrumentation systems and their applications.

    2:  demonstrate the procedure to design an instrument and system that meets desired specifications 

     and requirements.

    3:  apply the knowledge of signal conditioning   to practical engineering problems.

    4: design a real control loop using the knowledge of Instrumentation and control.

    • List of experiments

    1. Design and demonstrate general signal conditioning circuit to convert sensor output to 4-20 mA.

    2. Design and fabrication of an instrument like

         a. thermal conductivity analyser 

         b. piezo-electric accelerometer

    3.  Process Control Loop Design 

          a. Flow Control

          b. Level Control

    4. Design of a. amplifier 

                         b. counters (high frequency)

    5. Signal to data converter design including coding for different sampling rates.

    6. Controller (digital) design (designing of processor i.e., program) for different process transfer function 

        Including dead time (Smith Predictor)

    7.  Sensor design and Simulation: specified sensor only

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