Registration Process for Application:
- Click on “Application for Admission : Apply Now”
- Then Click on “ 1. New Registration”
- Enter Name (in Capital), Valid Mobile No., Valid email id
- An OTP will send on given Mobile No and email id
- Put the OTP and click on “ Save and Continue”
- An application Id and Password will be generated and same will be sent to the given email id
- Click on “Next” (if logged out then click on “Continue Partially Filled form 2021” then put application Id and Password.
Application Form Fill up:
- Fill ‘Course Details’, ‘Personal Details’, ‘Family Details’, Academic Details’ accordingly and then ‘Upload’ the required documents as per specified format and size and submit the application form.
Final Admission Process:
- Admission offer will be sent after successfully verification of the uploaded documents
- Log in again to accept the admission offer (Refresh if already logged in)
- After accepting the admission offer college will activate the “Payment Option”
- Then click on the “Proceed to Pay” and pay the requisite fees for admission.