Computer Science and Engineering

Technology is omnipresent and only growing multi-fold in the times to come, constantly increasing at an enormous pace. Narula Institute of Technology has always been known for being the best engineering college in the region. Through our journey, we have not only sustained the standards of quality education rather upscaled the level of technical know-how taking us to newer heights in the learning curve.

Computer Science and Engineering is undoubtedly one of the fastest-growing streams within the country as well as beyond geographical boundaries. An engineering degree in CSE equips you with strong practical and theoretical knowledge of computer software and hardware. At Narula Institute of Technology, engineering a better world for prospective aspirants is our sole objective to make their dreams turn into reality through enhanced teaching methodology. This stream encompasses the design and understanding of the computational process and programming languages which are equally divided between theory and practical sessions.

Our distinguished faculty ensure a wide range of diverse learning experiences at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, with B.Tech ranging from the fundamentals of Computer Science, Core Courses, Programming, Emerging Technologies like Big Data Analytics, Data Mining, IoT, AI, Machine Learning, Cyber Security, Blockchain, Professional Ethics, Research Methodologies, and Open-Source Technologies—to name just a few. Department of CSE has started its UG program B.Tech(CSE) in the year 2001 with an intake of 60. At present the department has expanded to 420 student intakes with 4 UG programs B.Tech(CSE) with 180 intakes, B.Tech CSE( AI& ML) with 120 intakes, B.Tech (CST) and B.Tech(CSBS) with 60 intakes each. In addition to offering a Bachelor of Engineering (B.Tech) degree, our department also offers a Master of Technology (M.Tech) programme in Computer Science and Engineering with 18 intakes

Narula Institute of Technology has had the honor of having a host of Multinational Companies visit the campus be it, Infosys, ITC-Infotech, TCS, Capgemini, Cognizant, Deloitte, Wipro, IBM, BYJU’S, Accenture just to name a few. Our close industry connections with these organizations ensure better job opportunities for our students through the campus placement drives with astounding packages creating a niche in the professional world.

We welcome students to be the part of Narula Institute of Technology to experience a new journey for a successful engineering career.

Dr. Subhram Das
Head, Dept. of CSE, Narula Institute of Technology


Vision of the Department:

To develop responsible citizens who would 'think global and act local' and become the change agents of society to meet the challenges of future


Mission of the department:
  • DM1:Building and sustaining high quality and broad area based teaching and research program.
  • DM2:Preparing students for successful professional careers both in industry, academics and as an entrepreneur.
  • DM3:Provide service to the nation as a good human being.


Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) (B.Tech.):
  • PEO1:Graduates are prepared to be employed in IT industries and be engaged in learning,understanding, and applying new ideas.
  • PEO2:Graduates are prepared to take up Masters / Research programs.
  • PEO3:Graduates are prepared to be responsible computing professionals in their own area of interest.
  • PEO4:Graduates are prepared to be good entrepreneur and responsible social representatives.
Program Outcome (POs)(B.Tech.):
  • PO1. Engineering knowledge:Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2. Problem analysis:Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • PO3. Design/development of solutions:Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems:Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO5. Modern tool usage:Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO6. The engineer and society:Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO7. Environment and sustainability:Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • PO8. Ethics:Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • PO9. Individual and team work:Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO10. Communication:Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO11. Project management and finance:Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO12. Life-long learning:Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)(B.Tech.):
  • PSO1The ability to understand, illustrate, discuss, explain the fundamental design and working principle of any existing or new computing model or concept related to the field of computer science and engineering and analyze the utility of the model or concept in respect of its capability of addressing and solving the relevant issues or problems.
  • PSO2The ability to identify and formulate a problem within the scope of computer science and engineering domain for proposing software application-based or research-based solution models with adequate justification by applying the relevant domain knowledge.
  • PSO3The ability to ideate, design, implements and analyse a solution proposal with proper documentation demonstrating adequate software engineering management skill along with the necessary technical skill for driving propensity towards technological innovation boosted with research and entrepreneurial aptitude for producing globally competent engineering professionals capable of making meaningful contributions in the field of computer science and engineering.
Program Outcome (POs)(M.Tech.):
  • PO1 :An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve practical problems
  • PO2 :An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document
  • PO3 :Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)(M.Tech.):
  • PSO1 :An ability to adapt existing models, techniques, algorithms, data structures, etc for efficiently solving problems
  • PSO2 :An understanding of the theoretical foundations and the limits of computing
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) (M.Tech.):
  • PEO1 :Post Graduates will be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the field of Computer Science and Engineering to provide solutions for various multidisciplinary engineering and societal challenges.
  • PEO2 :Post Graduates will be able to exhibit analytical, decision making and problem solving skills by applying research principles for handling real life problems with realistic constraints.
  • PEO3 :Post Graduates will be able to communicate the findings or express innovative ideas in an effective manner with an awareness of professional, social and ethical responsibilities.
  • PEO4 :Post Graduates will be able to understand the processes of research and an in depth study of an area of study which will enable the student to independently advance the frontiers of knowledge in computing Sciences.
Course Name Degree Intake Strength
Under Graduate (UG) 4 years B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering  B.Tech 180
Post Graduate (PG) 2 years M.Tech Computer Science & Engineering  M.Tech 18

Laboratory No Name of the Laboratory No. of students per setup
(Batch Size)
Important equipment Utilization
Lab 1 316L
Networking Lab and Web development Lab
35 PC:
 Acer Desktop G630 Intel Dual Core
48 port Cisco Managed Edge switch
Lab 2 316O
Algorithm Lab and Software Engineering
35 PC:
A)  Dell Vostro 3268 Intel Core i3 7thGen (5)
B) Dell Vostro 3471 Intel Core i5 9thGen (19)
C) HCL Infiniti LA 330 Core 2 Duo(11)
Others: 48 port Cisco Managed Edge switch
Lab 3 316F
DBMS Lab and Computer Graphics Lab
35 PC: A) Dell Vostro 3470 Intel Core i3 8thGen (30)
B) Dell Vostro 3268 Intel Core i3 7thGen (4)
C) HP Dx7480 AB Micro Tower (1)
Others: Cisco Managed Edge switch
Lab 4 316H
AI Lab and Data Structure Lab
35 PC:
Dell Optiplex 3020 Micro Intel Core i3 3rdGen
Others: 48 port Cisco Managed Edge switch
Lab 5 316K
Programming Labs (OOP with Java)
And Programming Lab (C/Python)
35 PC:
A) HCL Infiniti LA 330 Core 2 Duo
48 port Cisco Managed Edge switch
Lab 6 316E
Numerical Programming Labs
And Statistical Programming Lab
35 PC: A) Dell Vostro 3470 Intel Core i3 8thGen (30)
B) Dell Vostro 3268 Intel Core i3 7thGen (4)
C) HP Dx7480 AB Micro Tower (1)
Others: Cisco Managed Edge switch
Lab 7 316R
Research Lab
15 PC:
A) HP 280G4 IntelCore i5 (15)
48 port Cisco Managed Edge switch
Project Lab1  Project Lab 30 PC:
A) HP 280G4 IntelCore i5 (30)
48 port Cisco Managed Edge switch
Research Grant No. of SCI / Scopus Journals No. of Books / Book Chapters No. of Patents
35,01,501 47 129 8
Year No of Events/Webinar/Seminar/Workshops
2022-23 3
2021-22 6
2020-21 15
2019-20 5
2018-19 3

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