Basic Science and Humanities

The Department of Basic Science and Humanities (BS & HU) comprises of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Humanities. The Department aims to provide a comprehensive knowledge of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English to the engineering students with a view to enrich the students’ understanding towards their core subjects.

The department has excellent faculty members of international fame. Most of the faculty members are highly experienced with a strong research background. The total journal publication of this department is more than 250 and conference presented papers are above 300. The department also has continuing research projects funded by external agencies like DRDO, DBT, UGC etc.

Like different fields, the face of education has evolved drastically over time. Thus the department regularly organises Faculty Development Programmes and the faculty members also attend different FDPs to improve the teaching learning techniques. The department also organises National and International Conferences where the young minds are encouraged to present their research work. Seminars, model making competitions, project fair, power point presentation competitions are regularly conducted for the students.

The overall motto of the department is to ensure that the students have a strong foothold in the world of multidisciplinary job system.

The department publishes departmental Newsletter 'Illumination' which contains all the departmental events and faculty achievements. There is also a separate Departmental Library apart from the Central Library which facilitates knowledge building for the faculty members.

Dr. Sarbani Ganguly
Head, Dept. of BSHU, Narula Institute of Technology


Vision of the Department:

Department of Basic Science & Humanities endeavors to be a nationally-recognized model for educating and graduating students prepared to compete in and contribute to the ever- changing, technology-centered world of the 21st century. To achieve this vision the department is committed for providing a course of study for undergraduates in the field of Chemistry, Physics, Maths and Communicative English which combines curriculum and service/engagement opportunities that are high-quality, innovative and intellectually challenging and employ state-of-the-art technologies.


Mission of the department:

The mission of the Department of Basic Science & Humanities is to provide our students with highly qualified faculty members, academic advisors, advanced academic programs and high quality facilities to prepare competent professionals who will be able to work independently and apply their knowledge to develop own skills. It is our choice to equip our students with modernized perspective of science & communicative English in the different fields of the department.

Departmental Objectives:

Basic Science and Humanities @ Narula Institute of Technology consists of 4 sections, Chemistry, English, Mathematics and Physics. These subjects lay foundation to the knowledge base and education of any engineer, thus all the faculty members in these departments work towards achieving a common goal , to fulfill the educational needs of an engineer. Following are the main combined objective of Basic Science and Humanities @ NiT

  1. To provide the best possible educational facilities for training bright students for the careers in technology and science.
  2. To provide a creative atmosphere in which higher studies and research thrive both amongst the students and the faculty.
  3. To organize a short intensive courses, conferences and seminars on current technological developments which will be of benefit to the surrounding community.
  4. To provide research and development consultancy which will promote contact with and be of service to industries and to government and Civic Organizations.
  5. To organize quality improvement programmes for faculty members from various engineering colleges.
  6. To provide leadership in curriculum design and development.


Sl. No Experiments
1 Determination of chloride ion in a given water sample by Argentometric method.
2 Determination of calcium and magnesium hardness of a given water sample separately.
3 Determination of partition coefficient of acetic acid between n-butanol and water
4 pH metric titration for determination of strength of a given acid solution against a standard NaOH solution
5 Conductometric titration for determination of strength of a given HCl solution by titration against a standard NaOH solution
6 Determination of viscosity coefficient of a given liquid with Ostwald’s viscometer
7 Determination of saponification value of a given oil sample
8 Determination of adsorption of acetic acid on cjarcoal
9 Determination of rate constant of a 1st order reaction
10 Determination of rate constant of decomposition of H2O2 by acidified KI solution using a clock
11 Preparation of silver nano particles


Language Lab1: CACM ISIL Lab

The Language lab, which was designed by CACM (Centre for Advanced Communication), was set up at Narula Institute of Technology in the year 2002. The specialized Software ISILS (Interactive, Software Integrated Learning System) is central to CACM's learning laboratories. The focus of ISILS is on a conducive and congenial environment which would act as an impetus to bring out the best in an individual/group of individuals with regard to high interaction and involved participation. The accessories of lab are carefully selected with focus on utilitarian value. The language lab focuses on the enhancement of LSRW skills, Interpersonal and Communication Skills to prepare students for the campus recruitment drive. Also the following skills are developed through the 40 interactive user consoles:


  1. Presentation Skills: Use of audio visual method to impart power point presentations both on general and technical topics, Video Resume’.
  1. Use of ISILS Software: Use of inbuilt courseware to develop listening and communication skills. Also it helps eradicate the common pronunciation errors, grammatical errors and rectify problems like Indianism in the grammar and pronunciation of the students with relevant in-built practice exercises.


  1. Thorough practices of Group Discussions and Mock Personal Interview to enable students for the upcoming campus recruitment drives.
  1. Overall personality development and grooming and attitude building through several Soft Skills Development Programmes.

Language Lab 2


NIT boasts of a digital language and communication skills laboratory empowered by the ORELL software. The Lab has been established in the year 2011. It offers a super –efficient double-edged solution for both the tutor and the students. The trainers are provided with an opportunity, not only to teach efficiently but also to monitor the progress of each student individually-regardless the size of the students. For the learners, it provides an interactive learning experience as well as the opportunity to self –evaluate his/her progress. The lab has a versatile and comprehensive 24-module campus resource planning software which helps the would-be engineers to become equipped for their professional life. Forty students can attend the course. 


    • The students can learn Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing through this interactive software.
    •  Students are given lectures on the rapid reading techniques which enhances their comprehensive ability.
    •  Public speaking is also given priority as students have to face the cut throat competitions in their near future.
    • Writing skill is improved using different composition techniques, dialogue building, book/film reviews and many more.
    • Also advanced level of GD and Mock interview sessions are also conducted through this software to help prepare the students for future industry placement requirements.


    List of Experiments for Physics 1 Lab
    Sl. No. List of Experiments
    1 Study of Torsional oscillation of Torsional pendulum & determination of time using various load of the oscillator.
    2 Determination of elastic moduli of different materials(Young’s modulus /Rigidity modulus).
    3 Determination of Q factor using LCR Circuit.
    4 Calibration of an oscillator using Lissajous Figure.
    5 Determination of wavelength of light by Newton’s ring method.
    6 Determination of wavelength of light by Laser diffraction method.
    7 Determination of the angle of optical rotation of a polar solution using polarimeter.
    8 Determination of Planck’s constant using photoelectric cell.
    9 Verification of Bohr’s atomic orbital theory through Frank-Hertz experiment.
    10 Determination of Stefan’s Constant
    11 Determination of Magnetic field along the axis of current carrying coil – Stewart and Gee Method.
    12 Determination of Hall coefficient of semi-conductor.
    List of major equipment in Physics Lab 1
    Sl. No. List of equipment
    1 Null detector
    2 Carey foster bridge
    3 Power supply
    4 Ballistic galvanometer
    5 Sarle's apparatus
    6 Heater(hot plate)1kw,220v
    7 Heater,1kw,220v
    8 Poiseuille's apparatus.
    9 Newton's  ring apparatus (na -vapour lamp with transformers),35w
    10 Modulus of rigidity apparatus
    11 Traveling microscope
    12 Young's modulus apparatus (stand)
    13 Lee's apparatus
    14 Prism
    15 Spectrometer
    16 Spectrometer(laser diffraction method)
    17 Stop watch
    18 Resistance box(0.1-10 ohm)
    19 Steam boiler
    20 Laser diffraction
    21 Power supply (0-2v)/1a
    22 Optical fibre
    23 Audio generator
    24 High voltage discharge tube
    25 Rheostat
    26 He-ne laser source
    27 Spring balance
    28 Traveling microscope
    29 Planck's constant set up
    30 Polarimeter set up
    31 Frank hertz experiment (kit)
    32 Lissajous fig(kit)
    33 C.r.o.
    34 Function generator
    35 L-c-r series resonance set up
    36 Laser diffraction experiment set up
    37 Half-wave-quater-wave plate
    38 Verniercallipers (digital)
    39 Screwguage (digital)
    List of Experiments for Physics 2 Lab
    Sl. No. List of experiments
    1 Study of dipolar magnetic field behavior using deflection magnetometer.
    2 Study of hysteresis curve of a ferromagnetic material using CRO.
    3 Use of paramagnetic resonance and determination of Lande-g factor using ESR setup.
    4 Measurement of Curie temperature of the given sample.
    5 Determination of dielectric constant of given sample (frequency dependent).
    6 Determination of velocity of ultrasonic wave using piezoelectric crystal.
    7 Measurement of specific charge of electron using CRT.
    8 Determination of Stefan’s radiation constant.
    9 To study current-voltage characteristics, load response, areal characteristics and spectral response of photo voltaic solar cells & measurement of maximum workable power.
    10 Determination of band gap of a semiconductor.
    11 Determination of Hall co-efficient of a semiconductor and measurement of Magneto resistance of a given semiconductor.
    12 Study of I-V characteristics of a LED.
    13 Study of I-V characteristics of a LDR.
    14 Determination of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by Lees and Charlton’s method.
    15 Determination of thermal conductivity of a good conductor by Searle’s method.
    16 Study of transducer property: Determination of the thermo-electric power at a certain temperature of the given thermocouple.
    17 To determine the angle of optical rotation of a polar solution using polarimeter. 
    18 Study of lattice dynamics.
    List of major Equipment for Physics Lab 2
     Sl. No. List of equipment
    1 Deflection magnetometer
    2 Vibrational  magnetometer
    3 Measurement  kit  with  transformers
    4 Cathode ray oscilloscope (cro)
    5 Electron  spin resonance spectrometer (esr)
    6 Helmhotz coil
    7 R.f. oscillator
    8 Magnetic  phase transition setup
    9 Oven  with  resistance  box
    10 Dielectric constant setup  kit
    11 Digital   nanometer
    12 Test capacitor
    13 Variable capacitor.
    14 Hall effect set- up board.
    15 Digital  gaussmeter
    16 Constant  power  supply(5a)
    17 Electromagnet
    18 Stefan radiation constant  set- up
    19 Ez81  diode   valve
    20 Solar cell kit
    21 Coloured  filters
    22 Cathode ray tube (crt)
    23 Power supply
    24 E/m SET- UP.
    25 Four probe  apparatus.
    26 Spectrometer  with  crystal.
    27 Sodium vapour  lamp  source with  transformer.
    28 R.f. oscillator (ultrasonic)
    29 Lattice dynamics kit.
    30 Function  generator.
    31 Led test kit.
    32 Ldr test kit.
    33 Flux  meter.
    34 Thermoelectric power  trainer  kit.
    35 Polarimeter tube, sugar,complete  set- up.
    36 Rubber plate&steel slabs ,rubber  tube,rt stand with  clamp
    37 Searl's set- up with  copper  rod.
    38 Heater
    39 Stream  boiler
    40 Potentiometer

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